Matteo Frigo

Senior R&D Scientist at Corsmed AB.
I’m a curious and passionate learner with a deep interest for unanswered questions. Drawing from my skills in applied mathematics, I tackle each challenge with an analytical attitude and look for quantitative solutions. I use my expertise in machine learning, signal processing and programming to answer open questions in the domains of artificial intelligence and precision healthcare, finding quantitative, interpretable and robust solutions to difficult problems.
Previously I have worked on problems in brain connectivity estimation and analysis using diffusion MRI data, doing microstructure and tractography and building structural connectomes.
I defended my PhD thesis entitled Computational Brain Connectivity Mapping in February 2021 under the supervision of Rachid Deriche and Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier.
Founder and president of the Alumni Matematica Verona association.
- PhD in signal processing.
- B.Sc. and M.Sc. in applied mathematics.
- I speak Italian, English and French.
- I am a citizen of the European Union.